I am an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at National Taiwan University. Before NTU, I was a Dunham Jackson assistant professor (postdoc) in the School of Mathematics at University of Minnesota. I graduated from Indiana University in 2018.

Office: Astronomy Mathematics Building 506
Email: waikitlam(at)ntu.edu.tw

Research interests Publications/Preprints
  1. (With M. Damron, J. Hanson and D. Harper) Exceptional behavior in critical first-passage percolation and random sums. [arXiv]

  2. (With W.-K. Chen) Universality of superconcentration in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Random Structures & Algorithms. Volume 64, Issue 2 (2024), 267-286. [arXiv, Journal]

  3. (With A. Sen) Central limit theorem in disordered monomer-dimer model. To appear in Random Structures & Algorithms. [arXiv]

  4. (With M. Damron, J. Gold and X. Shen) On the number and size of holes in the growing ball of first-passage percolation. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Volume 377 (2024), 1641-1670. [arXiv, Journal]

  5. (With M. Damron, J. Hanson and D. Harper) Transitions for exceptional times in dynamical first-passage percolation. Probability Theory and Related Fields. Volume 185 (2023), 1039–1085. [arXiv, Journal]

  6. (With P. Nolin) Near-critical avalanches in 2D frozen percolation and forest fires. [arXiv]

  7. (With M. Damron, J. Hanson, C. Janjigian and X. Shen) Estimates for the empirical distribution along a geodesic in first-passage percolation. [arXiv]

  8. (With W.-K. Chen) Universality of approximate message passing algorithms. Electronic Journal of Probability. Volume 26 (2021), article no. 36, 1-44. [arXiv, Journal]

  9. (With M. Damron and J. Hanson) Universality of the time constant for 2D critical first-passage percolation. Annals of Applied Probability. Volume 33, Number 3 (2023), 1701-1731. [arXiv, Journal]

  10. (With W.-K. Chen) Order of fluctuations of the free energy in the SK model at critical temperature. ALEA Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Volume 16 (2019), 809-816. [arXiv, Journal]

  11. (With M. Damron and J. Hanson) The size of the boundary in first-passage percolation. Annals of Applied Probability. Volume 28, Number 5 (2018), 3184-3214. [arXiv, Journal]

  12. (With M. Damron and X. Wang) Asymptotics for 2D critical first passage percolation. Annals of Probability. Volume 45, Number 5 (2017), 2941-2970. [arXiv, Journal]

This poster briefly explains my work on two dimensional critical first-passage percolation (1 and 4 above).

Simulations of some stochastic spatial models.

In Spring 2018, I organized a graduate student seminar on random matrix theory. Click here for the notes.

Probability Seminar on NTU Campus.

Student Probability seminar at NTU.

Random Growth Models by Michael Damron, Firas Rassoul-Agha, and Timo Seppäläinen